The Unexpected Beauty Of Karachi

shallow focus photography of dried leaf
On a bright sunny Monday I was sweating from head to toe. I know, gross! right? But what can one do when he lives in a city of unpredictable weather I mean, Karachi!! It was known that there will be a heat wave till next Friday.  After struggling through five mind jumbling classes, I was sitting at the KU's (Karachi University) well known VS canteen with a bunch of my friends. The weather was scorching hot but bearable as it was comparatively less hot than past two days of the week, I guess!! 

yellow sunflower field during sunset

Everything was going pretty okay, when suddenly a friend of mine pointed toward the sky saying "Bhai aaj toh heat wave thi? ye barish wale badal q arahe (Bro there was a heat wave today? Why are the rainy clouds here? Sounding confused )."  Surprisingly we took a glance of the sky and there were slight breezes and drizzles and  the darker clouds! (Heat wave be like: Am I a joke to you??!! )😂😂

grayscale photography of cloudy sky

Knowing the poor sewerage system of our beloved city I bid farewell to my friends, hopped onto my bike, started and rode as fast as I could towards home.  It must have been around 5 or 5:30 pm when I felt the first drop of rain and with that drop of rain I got the quick thought for skipping the tuition. But luck wasn't in my favor and the rain stopped after fifteen to twenty minutes and so I had to go for the tuition as per schedule.

cars parked beside the sidewalk during day time after rain

Beside everything, the fifteen minutes rain lowered the boiling temperature and finally better and bearable weather could be felt! Many places making a beautiful scenery that can soothe the soul. So on the way to the tuition, the road was muddy and there was water all over the road but we should always try to see the brighter side of the pictures, right!😜 So due to the rain the view was  everything, clean and clear and the smell of rain was soo good, making the weather refreshing.

orange lily in shallow focus photography

It was such a mood changer, the lush green grass, the beautiful washed green trees, slight breezes and most importantly the blue sky was soothing to the soul ðŸ˜‡And then the time passed and that's how an unexpected yet a beautiful experience of a rainy day ended leaving behind a beautiful weather.

close photo of green grassbeautiful pink flower shining in a rainy seasonred and pink flowers during rain

Note: All the pictures are taken from Unsplash


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