Imran Ashraf's Humble Response To Senior Actor Firdous Jamal

Firdous Jamal criticizes Imran Ashraf

We all well know about Veteran actor Firdous Jamal who became the centre of attraction due to his critics on his interview about one of the very talented and flawless actress Mahira Khan. There were some strong outburst from different celebrities and fans too, Firdous Jamal’s comment created a hot situation in industry back then and the storm was settled all balanced. Well most of us thought that it might be a slip of tongue from Sir Firdous but he stormed back with his recent interview with Fiza Shoaib in her chat show Hamaray Mehmaan on Ary News and once again there is a tip top atmosphere on social media.

Imran Ashraf as Bhola in Ranjha Ranjha Kardi

It happened when host of the show asked Firdous Jamal Sahab which performer from the recent generation they believed has a brighter future in Pakistan. He replied no one is the best performer, actually they are all just models like a showpiece. They haven't realized yet what acting is all about, acting is a whole different kind of profession he said. He compared the young performers with a dummy in a departmental store. When host said but there are so many talented performer like Iqra Aziz and gave the reference of Imran Ashraf who recently performed the character of Bhola in Ranjha Ranjha Kardi and left us all speechless by his amazing talent. Everyone praises him for his acting. So the legendary actor Munawwar Saeed has to say that yeah he did a good job! but Firdous Jamal Sahab said that what he did was pretentious not spontaneous. Firdous Jamal Sahab further told the host that in the language of acting spontaneity is another thing and pretension is a different thing, acting is another thing altogether and behavior is another thing, Imran Ashraf did act but he didn't behave according to the role of Bhola, the same role has been performed by so many actors and they actually showed the real behavior while performing that kind of role, he said it is really a bad luck that the younger generation didn't get a chance to watch those outclassed performances of the past actors. He said I don't want to criticize any individual here but unfortunately right now in our industry people think of acting as a fashion. There is a hell of difference between model and an actor, these two subjects a model and an actor are exact opposite professions or you can say they are the enemies of each other. He defined that "modelling is all about self-projection while acting is self-negation". Acting means you completely hide or forget your own self and projects the role, when audience watch the show they see the character not the actor, he replied. Here you can watch the complete interview of Firdous Jamal:

In response to Firdous Jamal Sahab’s critical comments, Imran Ashraf comes up with his kind and soft nature replied politely that Firdous Jamal Sahab is one of a very respectable actor and he respects him. He told his fans not to criticize Firdous Jamal Sahab’s judgment and show respects by not commenting harsh words for him. He said he will try his best to learn more. you can see Imran Ashraf's message which he posted in response here:

“Firdous Jamal Sahab is a respectable & amazing actor and undoubtedly he would have performed Bhola a 1000 times better than him. I respect him and his opinion. It’s my humble request to everyone; my friends and my viewers to not get offended. I didn’t mind his comments and I will try my best to learn more. Please No Harsh comments for him, When elders in our family point out our mistakes, we don’t mind it” 
Imran Ashraf responses in a comment
In all this hot social media topic Imran Ashraf came out as the peace voice and showing his immense respect for senior actors instead of bashing out. People all over social media are now praising Imran Ahsraf for his attitude to his critics. We wish him all the love for his new projects and some brilliant acting to be seen soon in his projects!
